Hello world controller

After you have your directory structure set up it is time to create your first endpoint - the hello world page. For the purpose create a file src/HelloWorld/HelloWorldController.g with the following contents:

namespace HelloWorld

rest controller /hello-world {
    index {
        return "Hello world!";

The snippet above represents an HTTP controller that is set to handle the index page of the /hello-world route by responding with a Hello world! message.

The index declaration is in fact the action method that is handling the GET request.

Furthermore, you might have noticed that the controller declaration does not have a name but only a route. Although controllers in Glagol DSL do look like classes they are a special type of structure. For example, controllers cannot be instantiated by the developer and they carry the routing information with them. More about controllers can be found in the language reference guide.

Compile the sources

Now compile the project! Simply run the compile command from your project’s root directory:

$ glagol compile

The output should be something like:

Successfully compiled glagol project


PHP compiled sources are generated in the ./out/ directory of your project’s root. If you are not using the preconfigured Docker Compose project skeleton you need to map your web server’s root to ./out/public directory.

Testing the index

The Docker Compose default project skeleton will run nginx on port 8081 (if you installed a fresh nginx manually the port is probably 80):

$ curl localhost:8081/hello-world

The microservice should respond with:

$ curl localhost:8081/hello-world
Hello world!